А сколько слов хороших написала и в дескрипшене и в самом видео!
Очень очень приятно получать такие отклики на свои работы!
*дублирую у себя*
--- Dedicated to iBadFred, who made the Spike/Illyria clips ---
Please read before watching!!!!!!
--- I always wanted to do a Spillyria video because they're my favorite couple ever on Angel, when I heard this song I realize that it was perfect for them, so I tried to make a vid but I'm not so good as I want to.
For other side, everybody who really apreciate the world of the awesome fanvids, know that iBadFred is an amazing artist of them. When I see her videos, they make me cry, believe, love, everything she can do. Its really really awesome, she's so talented.
So I decided to make a fanvideo in a tribute to her with a lot of clips from her vids. I know that it can be wrong for her, or maybe she don't like this idea. But please, let me show you this video, read the text at the end of it and let me see what do you think about it.
I'm not the kind of person who steal, I'm just shocked for all your brilliant work.
--- Thanks to much to everybody =) Specially you.