ОМГ! А "вирус" Спиллирии оказывается заразный!
ladyderevko вдохновившись моими работами сделала вот это чудо!
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Illyria has feelings for Spike. He has feelings for her, too, but doesn't want to admit that to himself - he still thinks he's in love with Buffy. He calls her, she comes over and Illyria overhears when Spike tells Buffy that he couldn't imagine falling for someone else. Illyria is devastated and wants to talk to him. After they get in a fight Illyria goes to Buffy and they REALLY fight... and the demon is stronger than the slayer. Meanwhile Spike is looking for Illyria, 'cause he has a really bad feeling about leaving things the way he did. Will he find her before she kills Buffy?
Song: With You - Linkin Park Upd: Cупер! Уже есть и вторая часть!!!
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Post Angel Season 5, Spikes POV
The great fight has begun and the group around Angel separated all over the world to help the people. Spike's doing this but he keeps missing the group especially Illyria. One day he has a dream about her where he says that he's in love with her.. From that moment on he can't stop thinking about her. He turns to the one person who did this to him before: Buffy. She suggests that he should find Illyria and talk to her and Spike does. How will she react?
[Black/White Scene ~ Spikes Dream] [Blue Scences ~ Memories]